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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soul Mates (A story in 130 words)

I looked up at him looking down at me. For a second he was familiar, and I remembered when he used to smile up there. A slimmer, younger face. Happier eyes. All the feelings he kept inside all day rushing forward as he leaned down to kiss me full on the lips. Soft. Personal.

Not like that moment when our eyes met, briefly, before he buried his face in my collar bone. Hiding from the face he no longer longed for. Perched atop the body that would do.

Afterwards we slept as far apart as the king-size bed allowed, and he tossed and turned, snored and spoke like he knew he had a captive audience in the visitor's space. I closed my eyes and pretended he remembered I was there.

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