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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Picture Perfect...

E. Ro. & I
before the concert

I went to a concert at the Birchmere Music Hall on October 5th. Eric Roberson LIVE. I have a flare for hyperbole, but I'm gonna say it anyway - it was the best concert I've ever been to. Better, even, than the Jill Scott concert I went to 10 years ago. It was intimate, entertaining, and enlightening.

He said if there's anything you want to do, you should. He was living proof that living one's dreams paid off. Man...did I need to hear that. I so very much want to get out of this rut I'm in. Break out is more like it. I still haven't written a book. I haven't traveled abroad. I HAVEN'T LIVED...

And I really, really want to...like...just drive and see where I end up. Travel Route 66 and eat and take pictures...and WRITE...about whatever. And listen to good music...music that makes me feel as beautiful, appreciated, and inspired by everyday life as E. Ro.'s music makes me feel. Or get on that plane to Italy, even if I have to do it alone. I'm smiling right now...at the mere thought of just being...and being left alone by all the other obligatory bullshit I find myself surrounded by.

I'm 30-years old. And I don't mind being 30 at all. When considering all the dumb things I've done in my 20's, I'm glad to leave that decade of learning the basics behind. But if I really want to leave it behind, I can't pick up any new issues that come along with this decade. Like believing I have to settle into domesticity because my eggs may evaporate. Or settle into a career path that makes me rage against a system resistant to change. Or lower my standards for companionship because of the sad statistics attached to my dark skin. My post-adolescent idealist phase isn't over yet, and though it helps me not buy into the crap with any decade or DNA coincidences, it needs more focus and fortification. It needs support. It needs me...to live.

Well...Eric Roberson and his willingness to be so human and honest is the reason I talked to him before and after the show. I'm happiest when I see that the mess that is my mind carries some validity. I'm happy when I see people happy to do what they love. I want to be in that number...and be able to keep a roof over my head. I don't want to choose between the two. So I guess the next step is to use my brain power to figure out how I don't have to choose...

In the meantime, I'll keep my inspiration up...starting by filling my ears and spirit with whatever it takes...like E. Ro.

"I couldn't draw you better, baby,
Neck was made for me to kiss on..."
Picture Perfect - Eric Roberson

E. Ro. & and I after the concert...
I was starstruck, but he's very human