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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The "F" Phase

I had been bothered for a day and some change. Then on Tuesday, I went to Best Buy...

I picked up my purchase, headed to checkout, and there behind the counter to ring me up was one of the smartest students I'd taught in 10 years. When he saw me, he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Oh my God! Ms Bruce is that you?"

I smiled. Hugged him. Asked about his life. 

Things weren't going as well for him as I had hoped. So we talked, and I was me, passion and all. Aggressive and unapologetic. Helpful. Understanding...his teacher again. And he was grateful. He paid me one of the best compliments I have received from a student. 

"I didn't realize how smart I was until your class..."

This is what I do well. I help students realize their muchness. 

I lost about 85% of my muchness a few years ago. Many people watched; not many seemed to care, and that's fine. I'm a heavy lift when I'm not collapsing, so me - falling down - had to be a spectator sport. Recently, I have been feeling the falling again, and though I know that, as an adult, no one has to care, or help, or even notice, I kind of wish someone would. Like I notice it in others.

Eric Roberson said, "If they can't hear you over your music, they'll never hear your song." I dig the metaphor.  But I wonder just how many people are listening to anyone's song, really. Who listens for lyrics any more? Or have I just been singing to the wrong crowd?

I must admit, I have been afraid to even confront that question because the answer demands action. It was easier for me to admit that I don't fit the crowd. In many ways, it's a compliment to stand out. The difficult step is finding a crowd that fits and feeds me, so the London bridge inside can be preserved. I believe I'm done being a teacher, in the traditional sense (one crowd down). And I've never been one to dream of reproduction and domesticity by 35 (another crowd bypassed). I'm actually not sure what I want right now, a huge problem since I will be unemployed after five more days of work. The scary part about that is that I'm not scared enough. It's 3 am, and I'm spilling out randomness on my iPad like I don't have work in four hours because I hate my job and am tired of feeling this way.

And I'm sadder than I have been in months right now...and all I can do to keep the tears away is to think back to the concert I went to almost a month ago and remember how good and alive I felt to be listening to someone who took a chance at singing his song and became the him I will pay to listen to every time he comes to town.

I hope to be there soon...out of the "F" phase...standing strong.

(Below: Eric Roberson doing his thing. May 25, 2013)

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