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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Echocardiogram (A story in 89 words)

“…Hyper trophy…”

“Which means?” I know I sounded rude, but I was afraid.

“The muscles are enlarged,” she said casually. I understood she was used to this process of delivery results, but I wasn’t receiving. I didn’t take her nonchalance personally.

“Okay…have you ever seen this before?”

“Honestly, no. I have never seen the left side of the heart enlarged in anyone your age. Are you stressed? Are you worried about something?”

“No. No stress. No worries,” I lied.

The left side of my heart must have been yours.

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