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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Waves crashing through my body again.

I dream of kitty cats with green eyes, 
black fur and sharp claws.
I run and they catch me...

Red when I wake up.

3 am is the perfect hour
to wash away that original sin.
I stand beneath the shower head
looking up like there's help to be found.

Woman, get your life together,
you should be used to this by now,
Been years of flips
and lost ones.

I lay down dizzy from the racing thoughts,
sad from the memories they carry,
questioning yester years like they matter.
"Ester and Gester" squeezing every ounce of
sentiment from me.

"Are you sorry now?" they ask.
And even though I don't answer,
they know.
I pop the pills and pray
angry prayers,
curl up, contort, and cry
without my consent.

all this...every 26...

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