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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

LOLs and Farewells

His number popped up beside the message, "How u been?" She had deleted his contact information months ago, like that would make him disappear.

"Good? U?" Short. Nonchalant. Like her heart didn't skip a beat when his number popped up.

"Same. I kno u wanted 2 throw the phone when u saw it was me. LOL!"

Neither of them were laughing; both of them knew it.

"Not really. LOL. We're cool. : - )" She didn't mean that; she was hurt, pissed, and a bit frustrated...still... He knew she was lying.

"Oh! I was just checkin on u. I kno we ain't end well. I kno u want 2 kill me. LOL!." That was an understatement. They both knew it.

"I'm good. LOL!" Except for this broken heart and terrible attitude I developed after you kicked me in the gut. (She said that part aloud). No one was around to hear.

"Well...keep in touch wit me. I always want to make sure ur ok." He was great at two roles: hero and martyr...never the villain.

"Will do! Don't go breakin' any more hearts. LOL!" Nothing was funny about that.

"LOL!" He wasn't really laughing.

The last response was his; she knew that was, indeed, the last one. That's how it goes. You think it's going to end hard and memorable. Tears and yelling. Regrets asserted and hopes unspoken. And it never does. It ends softly. Happy and concerned. Smiley faces and lols. Emoticon farewells.

1 comment:

  1. I know I can always call you and tell you how I feel about your literary pieces, but, as I sit owl-eyed and slightly anxious due to my Red Bull overdose, I somehow feel like I'll get a greater gratification from writing it. So here goes:

    To the naked eye and the simplistic mind, this piece speaks only to his and her situation. But "he" and "she" represent an exponential amount of people, and your ability to subtly, oh so subtly, articulate such a real--for the lack of better words; my synapses aren't so keen at 3:21 a.m.--issue is...is...is, well, amazing!

    The tone of this piece, despite all the "Lol's," was more solemn than gregarious. I felt it. And I know millions more would be able to feel it too. Somehow I feel like I've been "her" before; and something tells me a whole slue of girls and woman alike could relate, just like a slue of boys and men--if there's even a distinction anymore--could relate to "him" as well.

    Moreover, deep down, we all wish scenes in our lives were like the scenes of a movie equipped with all the drama and the music. But it's not a movie. It's just that, life! Good ol' life. And you clearly and beautifully articulated this in your final few sentences: "That's how it goes. You think it's going to end hard and memorable. Tears and yelling. Regrets asserted and hopes unspoken. And it never does. It ends softly. Happy and concerned. Smiley faces and lol's. Emoticon farewells."

    Although this piece is only a few words, it unveiled a deeper reality of--yep! you hit the nail right on the head--LIFE!

    I loved it.
