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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Friday, November 29, 2013


My heart...around my neck
I guess it all just added up...

Two people talking four weeks,
mathematically, six makes sense.

Numerologically too...
Birthdays read the same - 
4+1+1 = 6
1+2+3+0 = 6
Meant to be? 

Who knows...

Looking for shit like this is what you do
when you want to believe it's not for nothing.
And, just maybe, you matter more than a knot in the pants...
he than a tickle below.

I kind of thought it might happen,
even desired the release of two, 
the decrease of two,
creating something new.

If only a memory.

Adding one more to the other five,
a fulfilling one...a fulfilling start...
(...too scared to say more. Move on...)
A new hand...
rubbing my back and below,
seemingly in admiration.
(That felt good.)

Five fingers on one breast,
working as a team.
Two arms holding him, four limbs intertwined,
I should have known we would six.
But I was still surprised when I heard the wrapper
crumple without another sound.

And then the math stopped...
No more logic,
Everything was open
for interpretation
No words, really.
Forward motion
(and backward)
until words weren't necessary.

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