About Me

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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


...months since I've seen you

took confident selfies 
felt truly sexy


...months since I've thought about a future with someone

thought God heard me
felt butterflies thinking about a conversation


...months since sex
(enough said)


...hours since you texted me to say,
"It really was good seeing you again!"


...minutes since I finally texted you back,
"You too..."
(Direct quote)

...seconds since I thought about texting you what I really felt,
but 11 seconds after I did that, it wouldn't matter at all,
I'd agonize about my decision the following 11 minutes,
check my phone every hour for the next 11 hours to see if you'd respond,
spend 11 days in a funk because you didn't respond and I felt stupid,
and I promised myself I wouldn't spend another 11 months in a text standoff with you,


I'll spend the next 11 minutes finishing this poem,
the next 11 days forgetting the way you looked 11 days ago
(when I last saw you)
so the next 11 months I can live without wonder.

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