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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Way We Left It...

Gratitude should be as real as God
and sincere as sin,
revisited as often as each morning's first conscious breath,
when our brains are trying to reorganize life
and put the world back the way we left it before we slept.
Recalled at the most irrelevant times,
especially when we really mean it,
and realize all gratitude
is pulled from the same pot,
sincere or not,
and in its place goes the sentiment.
Poison or prescription becomes the question...
Did it injure or heal,
and who will have to drink it down after you?
And being that this world is incredibly small,
our times to sip from the pot will come often.
Russian roulette with karma
hoping for a CLICK or a blank or a gun jam
You always get the bullet though,
That's what they mean when they say you reap what you sow.
Was the "thank you" to appreciate or obligate?

Did you take because you need or because you could?
And did the supplication you assumed was from above really amount to any good?
Most people miss that part,
That even to receive you must have a clean heart.
And we wonder why the world only makes sense when we're indebted and owe,
We leave it that way - we take our gifts to go!

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