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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Daily Devotional

When Jesus calls me,
He'll use His cell
to call my house phone
(Yeah, I still have one...)
and the number will look vaguely familiar,
(like it belongs to someone who almost loved me, but stopped calling before he knew for sure)
and my mind will race to recall the disappointment,
so I won't be thinking straight, and I'll answer the phone like,
and He'll be like,
"Yes, ma'am. Just calling to see whether you have a church home..."
and because the red type in the Bible doesn't include audio,
I won't recognize his voice,
and I'll laugh
and hang up.
I'll be running late for something,
rush out my house, and he'll be sitting on the steps of my building
beneath the "NO LOITERING" sign,
With a hoodie on,
back to me,
head hanging low like a corner dope head.
And I'll give him a disarming, "Good Morning,"
as I always do when people rest on my steps,
and He'll look up and be gorgeous,
kinda like every race in the world -
the most attractive characteristics of each
in a configuration only God could make.
His eyes of fire will stare for a minute before he says,
"You have a blessed day,"
and I'll say,
"You make good choices too!"
and He'll overexaggerate a laugh before asking for my number.
I'll ignore the request.
Then somehow He'll cut me off on 295 with his sportscar
(that must be overcompensating for something else),
and I'll sit on my horn and call him an "m-fer" with every adjective I know in front of it,
throw my middle finger at Him with the ease of a deuce chuck,
and He'll wave back in His rearview like Miss America.
When Jesus calls me,
He'll yell up my block in the hood,
give ethnic handshakes and call everybody "Son"
He'll be the man who holds the door open for me at the bank,
the man who undresses me with his eyes
before he notices me noticing and corrects himself.
He'll get my attention and hold it,
pay me a compliment and mean it.
I'll hear Him,
while everyone else sounds like noise.
My response will be music to His ears,
and He'll give the same enduring faith he expects...
When Jesus calls...he'll dial direct.

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