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I am not the person I was five years ago. I hope I will not be this person five years from now. For that I am continually thankful!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

God's Body

Heard somewhere that God has no hands but our hands,
help from heaven through work on earth,
The creator moving through the created for purpose
in the visible world.
Dope idea that the one who started this whole thing
still gives enough damns to put people in place
to keep order.
Hands of the divine no more than a step away
from our domiciles.
...so go ahead and give me the key...
who's to say that God ain't working through me,
that everything you need ain't in these hands
God made want you,
and with them, help elevate your body
the way ones before failed to do

because they weren't God-sent
or God-meant or God-found or God-logic,
looked to them when your skin was hungry
palms were sweaty, and
you felt full of temptation,
then full of them,
then full of sin

running over the rim
'til you begged for repentance from the same
demons that made you feel unworthy in the first place.

Your body isn't an opportunity for release,
it's relief from the mortal world,
elixir in a coke bottle,
ready to be popped...
and I'm no tree in the middle of the garden.

You weren't warned to stay away from me,
no still, small voice proclaiming my poison,
not life everlasting, but I am life,
the transference and continuation of energy,
charged and ready to receive you while you walk in the valley
sampling fruit for sustenance...

You should try me.

Find the angel within
that grew from the mess you made
trying to avoid sin.
put faith in the force
that brought us together.
God don't make mistakes,
and God made me,
and God made you,
so God made "we."

Walk away from the shadow of the garden with me,
that's not us anymore,
we are limbs from the same body...

we prove He works in mysterious ways.


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